Where I get out of writing an actual post

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and come across a lot of posts that make me laugh or cry or think - or that just make me hungry.

So I thought I'd share a few of the ones I've read in the last week so that you can have an opportunity to laugh or cry or think - or make a snack.

Big Mama shares a hilarious story about what happens when a PMS-stricken mom shares her weekend with a cranky 5-year old.

LipZip will bring a tear to your eye in her post on the power of a hug, but then she'll make you laugh with her story of trying to find a costume for an adult woman that isn't all sexied up.

Charlotte at the Great Fitness Experiment has a great post about learning to love your non-airbrushed mom body.

Not only did Gigglepotamus MAKE some super-cute costumes for her kid, she made some very cool eyeball “cake pops”. Too late for this year, but something to keep in mind for next.

June at Bye Bye Pie almost made we wet my pants with her story about her grandmother's teeth.

Lizzy at Journey to the Hot Tub posted a touching birthday tribute to her stepmother.

And, finally, Super Healthy Kids has a recipe for Spinach Quiches that looks easy AND delicious. Yum.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.


Cyndi said...

I did not know you read Big Mama too! Do you read Boo Mama as well? http://boomama.net/ I would so love to hang out with both of them.

And thank you very much I just spent a hundred hours I didn't have to spare reading Bye Bye Pie. She is hilarious!

My word verification word below is "retald." Is your blog calling me names?

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Never read Boo Mama - will check it out. And I totally agree about Bye Bye Pie - hilarious. I found her blog on a random "discover" in Google Reader. Always makes me laugh out loud.

And I think my word verification must be having an attitude problem. I have "lazag" which I imagine is shorthand for lazy hag.