Cocktails, anyone?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I’m still out of town, but I thought I’d set this up to auto-publish while I was gone so you could get an idea of how I’m spending my weekend.

Even when we’re dieting, we need to let loose and have a little fun. And if your idea of fun involves alcohol, I’ve looked into some of the lower calorie options. Let’s start with my drink of choice – beer. Bud Lite is my personal favorite, but it’s not the lowest calorie option. Here’s how a few lite beers compare:

Michelob Ultra (4.2% alcohol): 95 calories per 12-ounce serving; 2.6 grams of carbs and .6 grams of protein.

Bud Lite (4.2% alcohol): 110 calories per 12-ounce serving; 6.6 grams of carbs; .9 grams of protein. This is almost identical to Miller Genuine Draft Lite.

MGD 64 (2.8% alcohol; I just KNEW there was a catch): 64 calories per 12 ounce-serving; 2.2 grams of carbs; 0 protein. I’m not really a fan of Miller Genuine Draft, in any configuration, but if saving the 50 or so calories per beer (or maybe 500 calories over the course of the evening – I don’t know your drinking habits) is important to you, then this is not really all THAT bad. I know a couple of people who do like it, so don’t take my word for it; give it a try. (You could burn off the calories from this beer by grooming farm animals for 10 minutes. Seriously. True fact according to The Daily Plate.)

If beer’s not for you, how about wine? A 5-ounce glass, either red or white, contains 14% alcohol and about 120 calories. And that white wine in the box? Only 90 calories and 12.5% alcohol. So if you’re drinking at home (in the dark, huddled behind the couch) where none of your high-brow friends can see you, then have at it!

Vodka is a nice choice when it comes to liquor – 98 calories for a 1.5 ounce shot and it mixes well with so many things. I always kid myself that adding juice to my vodka makes it a health drink, so how about some diet cranberry juice (5 calories)? Of course, adding a diet tonic (0 calories) is also a good option, just not as healthy! Or you could get all crazy and mix that vodka with sugar-free Red Bull (10 calories) to put a little zip in your evening.

And straight vodka never hurt anyone, especially now that Absolut has so many great flavors available. Absolut Vanilla? Only 68 calories per ounce. Delicious after dinner. Or before.

Rum and Diet Coke. A 1.5 ounce shot of Captain Morgan’s is only 86 calories (compared to regular rum, which is about 98). And most bars will have Diet Coke, even if they don’t have other diet mixers.

What will I be having? Bud Lite for sure. I’m classy like that. And I’ll probably be throwing in the occasional Bacardi and Diet Coke. And if Mr. Jelly Belly is trying to get me a little tipsy totally wasted [I can’t imagine why he keeps doing this, especially since that time I threw up on his shoes…well, I DO know why, but this is a PG-13 blog so use your imagination], there will probably be a couple of shots involved. Hot Damn, anyone?

What are your choices for low-cal alcoholic drinks? I’m always on the lookout for something alcoholically interesting...

8 comments: said...

Well, of course, this post is close to my heart this year! I'd have to say gin and tonic is usually my choice. Although I wouldn't pass up on a Rum & Diet Coke or a good cold Corona with lime. Have a great trip!

Camevil said...


Cyndi said...

I'm sipping a nice riesling as I read, but I brought back a sampler collection of flavored rums from my cruise, and I have been loving coconut rum and pineapple/orange/banana juice. Just like being in the tropics.

Laura Marchant said...

I am a wine girl...I have never been able to stomach beer. Whenever I drink it I seriously cannot stop burping, is that normal? lol!

Melissa said...

Dropping by from SITS to show some bloggy love...

I've tried for years...but I just can't do beer. I've tried every brand out there...just can't acquire the taste for it.

Now give me a bottle (no glass, please. I drink it straight from the bottle because I'm classy like that)of Bailey's...original or Carmel and I can party like rock star. Smirnoff is another fav.

You'll have to come check out my recent post about our mom's Jersey GTG. There was lots of drinking that weekend of many different kinds of beverages.

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Sometimes I actually wonder why I do drink beer. Burping? Yes. Hiccups? Yes. Extreme bloat and discomfort? Yes. Yes. And I actually say I "enjoy" beer. What a masochist!

Michelle said...

I'm a Bud Light girl, myself, but lately it's giving me hives, just like wine. So I'm going to stick with the hard stuff. LOL! My current go to is cherry or berry vodka with diet 7-up. I actually mixed Diet Cherry 7-Up (with antioxidants) with vodka a few weeks ago and it was mighty tasty. And it had to be healthy, with all those antioxidants, right?

Debbie said...

I kinda like wine in a box. Just don't tell anyone. It can be our secret:)