Bad idea in a glass: Pina Colada

Sunday, January 4, 2009

To me, there is nothing better than bellying up to a tiki bar on a hot day and having myself a big ol’ Pina Colada. Ah, refreshing. And fruity. Must be good for you, right?

Let’s look at a few Pina Colada facts, shall we? The good news: rum, pineapple juice and coconut milk blended together to a creamy, ice cold consistency. The bad news: 625 calories per glass and 75 grams of sugar. Yikes! No wonder I love it so much.

I only bring up this summertime drink now, smack dab in the middle of winter, because last week I had a Pina Colada Smoothie from Orange Julius at the mall. I immediately got such horrible gas pains and bloating that I had to STOP SHOPPING and go home. High calories, way too much sugar and shopping cessation = no more Pina Coladas for me.

A nice, minty Mojito sounds like a much better idea, doesn’t it? I’ve never had one, but for 143 calories, I’m for sure trying one the next time I’m out. After my shopping is complete, of course.


Tanya said...

Oh my! Why is everything that tastes good so damn bad for you?

Michelle said...

I've always heard that the clearer the drink/liquor the fewer calories. That's why I stick with straight vodka. LOL!

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

ROFL! Straight vodka sounds like a winner to me.

Anonymous said...

Yum! I love Pina Coladas. I have had to really control myself since I have been in Maui the last few weeks. I only had one, but it was DELICIOUS! said...

I love pina coladas and it's such a SHAME about all those calories!

Cyndi said...

You had to post this 6 days before my Caribbean cruise? I will think of you every time I raise my 645 calories. :)

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

I know, you guys - they're SO GOOD, right? And poor Cyndi - I was actually thinking of you when I posted this.

But don't worry - there are no calories in anything when you're on vacation...