We’ve all got exes we wouldn’t mind inflicting some pain upon, right? Even if it doesn’t work in the traditional voodoo sense, The Ex Voodoo Knife Holder might still be good for fantasy:

Voodoo a bit too passive-aggressive for your taste? Then how about this Throwzini’s Knife Block:

And if you don’t hate him enough to shell out $70 for the knife holder, how about taking a stab at it with this voodoo toothpick holder - which has surprisingly good reviews - for $8:

I’m out of town on family business until Sunday so I’m auto-publishing this edition of Tacky or Hilarious. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you soon…
I love the voodoo toothpick holder. I don't have an ex husband, but I have an ex brother in-law and I'd love to poke a million toothpicks in him!
Oooooo . . . you are so bad.
I'm gonna have to wait 'til later in the day to read your stuff.
The dog's sleeping in his kennel at this hour. My Old Lady Chortle sounds a lot like my evil laugh and it frightens him.
These products are AWESOME.
I [heart] you.
Come home safe.
Ha ha! I LOVE that! What a conversation piece. Where do you find this stuff? You crack me up!
How fantastic are these! I don't have an ex that I'd like to do this to but I can think of a few people...snicker...
Joy <--via Welcomistas :o)
Great stress relievers! :)
makes me want to stick a toothpick into something or someone. I could be amused with this little gadget for hours. doesn't take much.
The things people come up with...lol
You are the reason I will be perpetually broke this year.
Those items are neither tacky nor hilarious. They are COMPULSORY.
Those are so funny! Interestingly enough, I just posted about an ex that could inspire a purchase like this.
The toothpick holder rocks. I feel as though I would spend too much time stabbing these little guys and not enough time doing whatever I'm supposed to do at any given moment, though . . .
Wow.... Interesting yes, that is my word for it. Please don't stab me.
I love those and I'd gladly use any one of them in my house!
Ha! I loooove the toothpick holder, it's hilarious. The knife blocks are neat too, but I'd love to get a few toothpick holders and have them on the table all the time when friends come over.
i have a few friends that have the 1st holder but I think the toothpick holder is so much more fun!!
being from south louisiana makes it even funnier.. we used to make the voodoo dolls as kids...
I like it...maybe they could get that knife a little more strategically placed.
haha, these are amazing, I love the toothpick holder!
Oh My, laughing my ass off!!! :-D
That's hilarious! Those pictures are awesome, I laughed really hard at them. So, I'm wondering if showing these products to your children and threatening, I mean, gently suggesting, to use them might help keep bedrooms clean & stop constant sibling arguments?
Thanks for the welcome to SITS!
I have a friend in the middle of a nasty divorce. I am *so* going to get this for his new bachlor pad!
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