Consuming 6 cups or more per day (is that ALL?) cut men’s risk of diabetes by 54% and women’s by 30%. It can also help to rid you of a headache.
Unfortunately, researchers aren’t sure yet which specific component of coffee gives you these benefits. And did you know the way you make your coffee can make it worse for you? For example, using the popular French Press method can actually increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Be aware, though: Cardiac and hypertension patients should limit coffee consumption as should those at risk for osteoporosis.
And even visiting Starbuck’s doesn’t have to hurt your diet. One Grande (oh, who am I trying to kid?) one VENTI Skinny Vanilla Latte (made with sugar-free vanilla syrup and non-fat milk) is a great afternoon pick-me-up at 160 calories, 15 grams of protein and 50% of the RDA for calcium.
Yay! I could have told them long ago that coffee = good!
WOO HOO! I love my coffee...and lattes!
I just love this blog!
Almost makes me want to convert to being a coffee-drinker. But I think I'll stick with my tea and my diet pepsis. Mmm...
I've always wanted to be a coffee drinker, but I just don't like it. I'm a Diet Coke girl. :)
Thanks for the welcome message!! Your blog is great and is making me hungry:)
Thanks for the info! I do usually get a skinny latte at Starbucks! i figured that it was low in calories but had no idea it was high in protein! What a pleasant surprise!
Good info.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog the other day.
You know, every time I walk into a Starbucks I inhale so deep like at a doctors office getting my lungs and heart checked ;) but yet I don't care for the 'at home' or other restaurant coffee smell..because it smells like a dead skunk to me. Odd. LOL
Anywho, have a good day.
I heart coffee so much. Thanks for the info.
You know I love me some Starbucks. ;) Of course, mocha's aren't quite as healthy - even with non-fat milk and no whip cream. I've been making them at home with less chocolate. It's a start, right?
Yay..lol. I love my coffee!!
Yea. I am a two cup person. Although I avoid Starbuck's, as it costs big bucks.
I'm leaving the office and going downstairs right now for a cup of Joe. Screw this green tea. *snores*
Now, go dig me up some info on the healthful benefits of wine, chocolate and aged gouda cheese, STAT!
YAY for coffee!! Yay, yay, yay! I think I need to put another pot on! Thanks for the fun post today, and for swinging by my blog yesterday!
oh how I love my fellow coffee junkies. You girls are too funny!
Cam, my dear, everyone knows red wine and dark chocolate are high in antioxidants. And the cheese? I'll have to check, but I'm thinking I can work something out with the calcium levels and vitamin D. :)
Thanks for flinging me a craving for a vanilla latte now!
Gosh I just love when you post good facts about my bad habits! Next can you come up with a good reason why I should be eating ice cream every night?? Please with a cherry on top. And whipped cream. And nuts.
You can't forget the nuts!
I love my Panera hazelnut coffee with just a lil half 'n half (as evidenced by my most recent post). No lattes or cappucinos for this gal!
any excse for starbucks is good for me!!
stop by my blog, got some giveaways going on
Yep. That's how I rationalize my Starbucks habit. ;-)
I knew it was good for something!!! OK besides waking up and being the nectar of the Gods and such
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